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Franklin & Bash Translation Problems


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I am not a native english speaker and some expressions used in this show are not exactly clear for me. May I ask you to help?

Pilot (Ep. 1)
Apparently, a man
can't have a poppy-seed colonic

She Came Upstairs To Kill Me (Ep. 2)
Working on your base?

He had knocked over a clock. (is this an idiom or he literally dropped a clock?)

Hey, I got enough time
to make my own coal.

She really commits,
doesn't she?

Jennifer Of Troy (Ep. 3)
Our system doesn't talk
to the tower.

"Your strength and endurance
are legendary with oral sex."

What if we sell back?

Bro-Bono (Ep. 4)
There, I've said it.

feel free to join us
in this decade

Okay, you only get one joke about
this 'cause I got to move on it, all right?

You Can't Take It With You (Ep. 5)
Franklin and Bash are a way.

Oh yeah, well, they didn't do it
like that at my country club.

- He couldn't close a suitcase.
- I closed Ann Rushing.

She is gone!

Thank you.

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Can I give you a suggestion?
Yes, I can ! :)

What interests you will have a good solution only if someone will explain the meaning in your language, I say this from my experience! :)

You can also search on Internet some Slang Dictionary or slang expressions.

Anyway, it is also important the whole expression, not just some parts, if a sentence is taken out of context, it's translation or explanation can lead to funny things :D .


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The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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DrJackson, thank you for the response.

I have been successfully using dictionaries in difficult situation before, but this time i failed.

I know english enough to understand the explanation. All i need is another form of this sentences.

You are absolutely right about the importance of context.

I hope that someone from "F&B" audience will see this topic and help me, i guess they can recall the meaning of this expressions.

Unfortunately, have not found a compatriot who knows the meaning.

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Pilot (Ep. 1)
Apparently, a man
can't have a poppy-seed colonic

You can't hide anything to others.

Hey, I got enough time
to make my own coal.

I'm ready. I can do that. I'm prepared.

"Your strength and endurance
are legendary with oral sex."

Well, that one maybe must take it as it is :), or,
You can do only some minor jobs (that is a guess :)

Oh yeah, well, they didn't do it
like that at my country club.

I think it's about someone behaviour, who are acting in some way in a speciffic place and they have another kind of action, in same circumstances but in another place (I hope to understand what I meant :) )




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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I think it's about someone behaviour, who are acting in some way in a speciffic place and they have another kind of action, in same circumstances but in another place (I hope to understand what I meant

They have their own methods? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Xu4kok!

I'm translating this show into my language, too – quite amusing, I have a huge crush on Jared Franklin ;)
I've found this forum and your topic by accident, looking for some answers myself. I hope I can help you with, at least, some of your problems. I think it's important to know the exact context of the phrase to translate it properly; so people who haven't watched the show won't dispel your doubts (no offence, the answers are pretty good so far, IMHO).

Pilot (Ep. 1)
Apparently, a man
can't have a poppy-seed colonic

Not an idiom. The most important is what Stanton says after: "Apparently, a man can't have a poppy-seed colonic without the whole world calling." He's just making a remark about not having time for himself: everyone wants to contact him in some urgent matter and he has no time to see his doctor ;)

She Came Upstairs To Kill Me (Ep. 2)
Working on your base?

"Base", IMO, refers to the basic salary. Attorneys can get also bonuses for the cases they win, but to obtain the basic salary is enough to just sit in the office during working hours. It's clear that Peter and Jared are not working at the moment, so Debbie's comment is strictly ironic ;)

He had knocked over a clock. (is this an idiom or he literally dropped a clock?)

Not an idiom. Defendant's husband did really "knocked over the clock." That's why she rushed her bath – she heard that noise and thought that something had happened.

Hey, I got enough time
to make my own coal.

What a jokester, this guy! I didn't like him, he was soooo annoying. Anyways, it's one of his jokes. Peter is apologizing to him for "wasting" his time and summoning to the court for the second time. He's not angry, he has lots of time and he makes a joke about it ('cause you need time to make coal, millions of years). Apparently, the judge didn't like the joke, either ;)

She really commits,
doesn't she?

Ironic or even sarcastic. The remark suggests that the juror is taking her job too serious, she's committed to the cause and doesn't only sit in the court being bored (as most of the jurors always do). Peter's comment puts her in ridicule, but Stanton and Karp can't understand it completely (they are not aware of her scam). In any case, it's irony.

Jennifer Of Troy (Ep. 3)
Our system doesn't talk
to the tower.

This one I find a little bit more tricky. It's technical term, I would say. I –the simple girl and total informatics ignorant that I am- understand of this that their computer system cannot find the connection to the Internet. That's why poor Pindar is suffering so much, 'cause he's off-line all day long :D

"Your strength and endurance
are legendary with oral sex."

Apparently, Jared's "strength and endurance" made him famous in this very field (I knew it!) ;>
And, joking aside, it's like DrJackson says- you take it as it is.

What if we sell back?

Here Jared says about using the philosophy of Stirred (the cult of beauty) against them. It's like he says a moment later, they will ask them to define beauty, which turns out to be impossible. You may translate this, I think, as "we will beat them with their own weapon."

Bro-Bono (Ep. 4)
There, I've said it.

There, I've admitted it; I was able to say something nice to Karp. ;) Irony again! We know Damien isn't 50 years old, so Jared saying "You do not look 50" is being sarcastic, dubious compliment.

feel free to join us
in this decade

Double D isn't answering their question, they want him to tell them, where he was exactly. Jared is rushing him with this comment.

Okay, you only get one joke about
this 'cause I got to move on it, all right?

Jared knows that he will say something potentially "funny", something to joke about. But he allows Peter to say only one joke, because he has no time. He has to catch Paxton and invite him to his Margarita Monday (= "move on it") ;) That's how I understand it.

You Can't Take It With You (Ep. 5)
Franklin and Bash are a way.

I'm not sure. That's the one I was looking for on the Internet. Finally, I translated it this way: "F&B are close to winning the competition." But I'm guessing here, so...

Oh yeah, well, they didn't do it
like that at my country club.

Again, like DrJackson says. Carmen is comparing the words of Jared with her own manner of talking and with some standards, which don't admit the usage of singular in the case we're talking about (F&B is/are…)

- He couldn't close a suitcase.
- I closed Ann Rushing.

Not an idiom. Firstly, "He couldn't close a suitcase": brother #1 makes a comment about brother #2 being a lousy agent (he couldn't close a suitcase, all the more he couldn't sell a house). Secondly, well… do I really have to explain this one? ;) You'd better check for yourself what did he do with this girl: http://www.urbandict....php?term=close

She is gone!

Isn't it about the ball? It's personificated, I think. That's why the commentator is referring to it like it was a "she." I'm not sure, but it sticks to "the legend of the missing ball," don't you think? Also, I've observed on many occasions that men like to get emotionally involved in sport events like that one in the show (weird, but happens) ;)

I hope you'll find my answer helpful, 'cause I spent more time writing this than I expected. Well, almost 2 a.m. here, greetings and good night :)

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