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With a spare 10 minutes available, I thought that I'd look at this chat thing.

Ten minutes became an hour or so...

I don't what I was doing wrong, but after several fruitless (and sl-o-o-o-w) attempts, during which I was timed out more than once (for, I guess, "inactivity") I think I got connected. (A list of recognisable names appeared down the right hand side.)

That final, "successful" logon took 8 minutes, 21 seconds, start to finish.

Once connected I tried posting stuff - nothing special, and to no-one in particular (there seemed to be no-one there, anyway).

Each post took between 1 min., 28 secs. (fastest) and 3min, 19 secs. (slowest) to appear after clicking "Enter".
(The "Post" button disappeared on the first click.)

Throughout all this, a message was present in the toolbar, saying, "Transferring data from chat.efnet".

It was still saying it when I went outside to watch the grass grow.

So what was I doing wrong - or not doing?



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Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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With a spare 10 minutes available, I thought that I'd look at this chat thing.

Ten minutes became an hour or so...

I don't what I was doing wrong, but after several fruitless (and sl-o-o-o-w) attempts, during which I was timed out more than once (for, I guess, "inactivity") I think I got connected. (A list of recognisable names appeared down the right hand side.)

That final, "successful" logon took 8 minutes, 21 seconds, start to finish.

Once connected I tried posting stuff - nothing special, and to no-one in particular (there seemed to be no-one there, anyway).

Each post took between 1 min., 28 secs. (fastest) and 3min, 19 secs. (slowest) to appear after clicking "Enter".
(The "Post" button disappeared on the first click.)

Throughout all this, a message was present in the toolbar, saying, "Transferring data from chat.efnet".

It was still saying it when I went outside to watch the grass grow.

So what was I doing wrong - or not doing?



Try this: http://chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.umich.edu&channel=%23addic7ed

Maybe it won't enter in the first try, just reload the page.
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Well, first of all it would be better to try the stand alone thing.

Download mIRC.
Install it.
Run it.
Put a nickname, and some "personal" information there (can be anything).

You'll have a list of servers available.
Either select EFNet and click connect (or click the - i call it thunder icon - connect icon) or type in that status window the following:

* server irc.efnet.net (if irc.efnet.net does not work, try another)
-- wait to connect. A list of channels should pop-up when you're connected --
* In the list of channels, type #addic7ed.

That should be it.

(Problem with the mibbit website is that.. well it can be unstable and it needs the browser opened all the time.)

If mIRC fails too, copy the contents of the Status Window and paste them on pastebin.


List of EFNET servers

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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Thanks for the replies.
I didn't try other irc clients or routes, because one of the first things I saw on efnet was notice that it only worked through a browser, and wouldn't work with a stand alone client.

Anyways, I just tried the mibbit link and Bingo! All systems are go!
(I also downloaded mirc, but not tried it yet.)


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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