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How To Upload Subtitles In Addic7Ed


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For all other subtitles, just select the show name from the dropdown list!!

To get to this upload form, first you'll have to click on the "Upload" button in the menu in home page.

If you want to upload a new version of an existing episode:

  1. First you find the show you want by using search or Browse By Shows.
  2. Then you click on the season and episode you are interested in, and go to that page.
  3. Lastly, you click the "Upload a new version" button at the bottom of the page and fill the form that will appear (much like the one showed in the previous post, but without the series/episode name part).

I hope that helps a bit wink.gif




We don't accept raw subtitles on our site, which means that if subtitles have no corrections at all, we will delete them.
They must be:

- correctly synced to a specific video release, and USE THE VERSION NAME in the according field (example: FLEET, AVS, SVA...)


- in proper case (names ought to be capitalized, no capitalization after commas or at the beginning of each new sequence...)

- they don't contain long lines. Try to split them in half if they go over 40 characters. It's easier to read and doable in a few seconds with softwares like Subtitle Workshop, Subtitle Edit, Aegisub… No need to split them in half if they're below 40 characters per line. Valid for non dialogue lines mainly.


Sequence 1

In the meantime, we're trying to hold the regime in Khartoum

change it to:

Sequence 1

In the meantime, we're trying
to hold the regime in Khartoum


- no super long sequences. If sequences go over 70 characters, find a way to resync them. The longer they are, the harder it is to read.


- no more than 2 lines per sequence for non dialogue lines. Same as above, split them so it's modified to 2 lines per sequence:


Sequence 1

In the meantime,
we're trying to hold the regime
in Khartoum

change it to:

Sequence 1

In the meantime, we're trying
to hold the regime in Khartoum


- no 3 speakers per sequence. ONLY two maximum.

- no dash on a line that isn't a dialogue. Example of what NOT to do:

In order to tick the box "corrected" for your subtitles, in addition to the above specificities, it must contain all the dialogue dashes as well. One dash per line! If it doesn't fit, then your lines are too long.


- Text A

- Text B

And if you have dialogues that are very unequal, find a way to adjust them. Don't put a speaker with just one word, and the second speaker with a 50 character-sentence. It's common sense.

All the above can be done easily with Subtitle Edit (Fix Errors is one of the way), and it's quick, so you have no excuses. You're responsible for the content YOU upload.

You can resync our subtitles to fit other versions. However, never modify them, alter them (unless there's text errors, missing dashes...). Keep the credits intact. You can add a line for your resync credit. In the comments box of your upload, you can add a line to indicate you resynced it from X version. When uploading them, keep the same properties. If they're corrected/HD/HI, tick the appropriate boxes. See explanation below for the icons.

Colored subtitles are allowed ONLY if you provide a non-colored version. They must be named "VERSION.Colored" to be differentiated by the system when downloading them.


The full FAQ is available for reading.

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If you want to upload a new version of an existing show:

  1. First you find the show you want by using search or Browse By Shows.
  2. Then you click on the season and episode you are interested in, and go to that page.
  3. Lastly, you click the "Upload a new version" button at the bottom of the page and fill the form that will appear (much like the one showed in the previous post, but without the series/episode name part).




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
THE SERIES NAME IS NECESSARY FOR NEW SHOWS ONLY. For all other subtitles, just select the show name from the dropdown list!! uploadanewsubtitle12916.png To get to this upload form, first you'll have to click on the "Upload" button in the menu in home page. I hope that helps a bit wink.gif

I am trying to post episode 1x3 at Il Giovane Montalbano but I get the message that it is the wrong format. It is an .srt file, it plays perfectly and I just uploaded episode 1 for the same series with no problemIl giovane Montalbano - S01ep03 - Ritorno alle origini .srt
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Lines are too long, HI adnotations are without proper tags, many other corrections need to be done to that file.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 2 months later...

I don't think so, are you sure your subtitles are saved as .srt?




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Yes they are.
I try to rename one without space or dot (just .srt at the end) but I always have
"Error: Upload a new version - Mozzila Firefox"
I 'll try with an other PC and tell you.

Same error with an other PC windows XP Internet explorer :
"Error: Upload a new version - Windows Internet Explorer"
Tomorrow, i'll try from an other place (at work)


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  • 1 month later...

Adding a line inside the subtitle with your credits.

768: sync and corrected by dr.jackson
for www.addic7ed.com :)
769: translated by giorgiospr89




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 1 month later...

What is the naming convention for subs uploaded to Addic7ed.com? For instance, if I want to upload the subtitles for an episode of Project Runway that I found on UKSUBTITLES.RU, how would I go about renaming the .SRT file before uploading it to addic7ed? (Of course, I understand that I should mention the source in the "Comments" field.)


Original: Project.Runway.S11E06.Senior.Fling.HDTV.x264-RKSTR.srt

Renamed: Project Runway - 11x06 - Senior Fling.RKSTR.English.C.original.Addic7ed.com.srt


Would the new name be correct? (Also, what does the "C" stand for?)





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You don't need to name the subtitle you're uploading. Just put the correct informations in the upload box and the system will name it accordingly.




This is where you will upload your subtitle. We assume that users who upload subtitles are familiar with subtitles creation and understand words like version LOL, WEB-DL, 720p, HI (Hearing Impaired), corrected, etc. In case you have a doubt, don't upload anything. The interface looks like this:



There are two white boxes. The first one prompts you to fill the correct information about the episode and the show. The second asks you to give information about the version you're going to upload. Please fill as much info as possible. Specifying the version is mandatory. Also, if possible, write the size (MB) of the video you're syncing from. In the "Comments" box, specify if this version you're uploading also works with other versions, if it's a resync of a previous version (in that case, give credits to the original syncer and corrector), if it was translated by a team, if it's a non-HI version from a previous version, etc. Fill the "Corrected Version" if it your sub has been corrected (if you don't know what's "corrected", leave it blank - simply said, it means that punctuation, lower and upper case of a raw text, etc. have been verified and corrected, this is a non-corrected sub, but we don't advise people to upload non-corrected version), same goes for "720/1080". For "Post in New Release?", check this box only if it's a new episode, meaning that the episode you're uploading is the latest episode of this TV show and has just been released in the near past. If you are uploading a sub of the very first episode of "Friends", for instance, you cannot post it as a new release. User cannot upload more than 3 new releases per day.

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Thanks, taytoy. I've uploaded a couple of subtitles before and am familiar with the interface as well as the meaning of terms such as version, HI, etc. However, I was not aware that the system (re)names the subtitle file; until now, I would try to copy the pattern of other subs I've downloaded from Addic7ed. Glad to know I don't have to do that anymore.


P.S. I'm still curious about the capital "C" which is sometimes inserted between "English" and "orig." I sort of doubt it stands for "corrected" since those subs have "updated" instead of "original" in the name. Can you satisfy my curiosity?



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There's a difference between "original", "updated" and "corrected".


When an user uploads a subtitle, he can tick off the box corrected or not (see what I said previously). When the upload is done, it's considered an original new subtitle, and other users can whether create a new translation based on that subtitle, or of course, download it by clicking on the button "original". BUT this uploader might still have left some mistakes in his subtitle and other users can come and correct those mistakes, if they do, then another button will appear after those corrections, called "most updated". Why two download buttons ? Because we let user chose to download the original one, or the one that have been corrected by other users. The confusion is here. When a subtitle is corrected by other users than the uploader, it's called updated and not corrected.


An original or updated version can be both marked corrected or not (but if they aren't, it means it's crap - or that the user who uploaded it, didn't care to tick off that box).


Look here, the green check mark means corrected and there's a button "original" aswell as "most updated":




You also see a purple ear, meaning that it's a HI version (for hearing impaired).

Now, you see that "elderman", the users who uploaded this sub in english marked it as been corrected (green check mark), you also see that it's a HI version.

You decide to download this sub by clicking on "original" because you don't want corrections made by other users, and the sub will be named:

The Mentalist - 05x15 - Red Lacquer Nail Polish.LOL.English.HI.C.orig.Addic7ed.com

(it's a hearing impaired sub, it's corrected, and it's the original version)

If you download this sub by clicking on "most updated" because you trust users that have corrected alleged mistakes left by elderman, it will be named:

The Mentalist - 05x15 - Red Lacquer Nail Polish.LOL.English.HI.C.updated.Addic7ed.com

(it's a hearing impaired sub, it's corrected, and it an updated version, meaning that users came to correct some mistakes)


PS: translated versions don't have the "original" and "most updated", which is logical.


I hope it's clear!



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I hope it's clear!


I'm sure it will be after I've read it a few more times!!! ;)


Seriously, thank you for taking the time to explain everything. It is much appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

hello everyone.

i have a problem.

when i want upload my subtitle, an error i get

"Wrong format"

i uploaded a few day ago, but now i cant upload anymore.

and i have to say that , my encoding is ANSI.

thanks for your helping

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hello everyone.

i have a problem.

when i want upload my subtitle, an error i get

"Wrong format"

i uploaded a few day ago, but now i cant upload anymore.

and i have to say that , my encoding is ANSI.

thanks for your helping


Try to convert it to UTF8.

Be sure your subtitle it is saved as .srt file.





The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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