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Human Brain


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Hi all,

Try to read this please as fast as you can:

An Italian man enters his vafourite Rizty retsauratn and while sitting at his regural talbe, he nocited a gogreous wonam sitting at a table neabry....all alone.
He calls the waiter over and asks for their most epxenvise boltte of Melrot to be sent ovre to her - nkowign that if she accetps it, she is his.

The wairet gest the boltte and quilcky sends it ovre to the gilr, saying this is from the getnleman.
She loosk at the wine and decised to send a note over to the man.

The note read:
"For me to accetp this boltte, you need to have a Mecredes in your garage, a million dollars in the bakn, and 7 inhces in your patns."

The man, atfer reading the note, sedns one of his own bakc to her and it read:
"Just so you nkow - I happen to have a Ferrari Tetsasora, a BWM 850 iL, and a Mecredes 560 SEL in my garage; plus I have over twenty million dollars in the bank.
But, not even for a wonam as beaufitul as you, woudl I cut off trhee inhces. Just send the bollte bakc."

Ok, someone said that if you can read that text without (many) problems that is because human brain manage to "read" the whole word and not just every single sign.
But who knows if it is true or not?



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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