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Another French Guy

Homer le Hamster

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Second message here to introduce myself.
I'm french (yeah I know... they were on strike, we know a lot about them :P).
33, living in Lyon and working for a pharma firm (bouhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
I watch all kind of stuff : How I met your Mother, House, Glee (duh).... criminal minds... well really a lot.
Addicted has been a big help to me the past months and once more I would like to thank all the teams working on subtitles.

C U :)

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Another French, frog/snail eater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Si ça continue, on va demander les Passeports à l'entrée ! :P
Non, je rigole ...
Welcome !
Quand (et seulement si) tu voudras contribuer, prends contact avec Marche-maleau, notre French Grande-Praîtresse.
Bienvenue sur le seul site de l'Univers qui mérite le détour !

Le mensonge et la crédulité s'accouplent et engendrent l'opinion. (Paul Valérie)

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Hey, who said pharma firm are evil ? Of course they aren't ! (I hope to work for them in a few years, so I try to make a good impression :rolleyes:).

And FYI, I never ate frog nor snail in my entire life, which is not so long for now.

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Frogs... I never could.
Snails I tried once and it felt like I was eating some tasteless gum blink.gif

Is it me or we're a lot of french users of Addicted ?

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Is it me or we're a lot of french users of Addicted ?

We can never say what means a lot. :)
Always will be need for one more.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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