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Greetings From Estonia


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Oh, hi!
I'm a addic7ed to TV shows, nearly 2000 eps this year. I've been using addic7ed for a while now and totally loving it. Best place for tv subtitles! Thank you so much, honeybunny & co! : )

Might as well face it, you're addic7ed to subs

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Oh, hi!
I'm a addic7ed to TV shows, nearly 2000 eps this year. I've been using addic7ed for a while now and totally loving it. Best place for tv subtitles! Thank you so much, honeybunny & co! : )

Welcome to our humble community :D 2000 episodes? Damn, man :D



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Make yourself at home - any problems, just ask.

(2000 eps? Are there 2000 eps to be watched? Yikes!)


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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Hi!! Welcome. I'm specially happy of having someone from Estonia here. Last summer I had the opportunity of taking a 2 days tour in Tallin and came back to Spain so impressed by the city and the estonian people that in a not very far future, I will visit again your country to know it deeply.

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2000 eps means a very large vacation :) .


2000 eps and the year is not ended!? GOOSH !




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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The worlds truly small, meeting fellow country people all over everywere^^

Around 5-6 episodes per day isn't much, that doesn't even equal 5-6 hours, if watching the non commercial ****ed ones^^

Compared to most gamers, this isnt so noteworthy, they play 8 hours a day video games*cough* my bf*cough* + everyone knows those researches about men, that averagely men watch 4-6 hours a day TV.

Im a bit nerdy i know :P

*waits for new SGU sub=3*

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The main difference is.. when I rarely play something for many hours.. I feel depressed. ;p

The worlds truly small, meeting fellow country people all over everywere^^

lol. Also from estonia?

Might as well face it, you're addic7ed to subs

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2000 eps ? Mini web series don't count !!!! tongue.gif
Kidding !

Welcome :)

I haven't counted shows that are under 20 minutes/175mb. ;P
Current count: 1910

Might as well face it, you're addic7ed to subs

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