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Pachinko colored subtitles


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The show Pachinko originally had colored subtitles. Yellow for Korean and English, and blue for Japanese. Almost all dowloadable subtitle versions have had the color stripped.  It is important to know what language people are speaking within the context of the show, because the language changes within the same conversation, and sometimes within the same sentence. I have found the first 5 episodes subtitles with color re-added for the language difference at subscene. I'm hoping to find re-colored subtitles for the rest of the episodes before the end of the series. Any suggestions on where to find them would be appreciated.

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I don't know the show, but I find code-switching (that's how linguists call this changing of languages between multilingual people) a fascinating phenomenon! Colours are, I find, a good way of displaying it... Good to know they can be of some use to us impaired people who don't speak Japanese or Korean... So, in the show Tokyo Vice, they also switch languages pretty regularly, and the HI-version of the subs tells which language they are speaking. In the lack of colours or any better system, I find this -if not perfect- rather helpful.

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