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Hello From Brazil!

Cadu Costa

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My name is Carlos, and I live in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. As a great cinephile and tv shows fan, often times i ended up on addic7ed.com to get the subs for the tons of shows I dnwld weekly. Now I want to be part of it too.

To repay the community: I would like to help you guys make the subtitles! I don't know right know how to use the softwares people use to sync the subs and etc., but I am willing to learn. My english is fluent, I may transcript english audio (to be used later for translations) and/or translate to portuguese(brazil), my mother language.

Hey, anything you guys think I can help, let me know! I'm all available! Thanks!

"When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist."

Dom Helder Camara

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Hi and welcome here.

You can find here some usefull information about how to sync and more, just take your time and browsw the forum.
Maybe you can start from HERE :).
Also, you can browse and read HERE, it's the software that I'm using to sync any cc's.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Hi Carlos,

My name is Carlos, and I live in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. As a great cinephile and tv shows fan, often times i ended up on addic7ed.com to get the subs for the tons of shows I dnwld weekly. Now I want to be part of it too.

To repay the community: I would like to help you guys make the subtitles! I don't know right know how to use the softwares people use to sync the subs and etc., but I am willing to learn. My english is fluent, I may transcript english audio (to be used later for translations) and/or translate to portuguese(brazil), my mother language.

Hey, anything you guys think I can help, let me know! I'm all available! Thanks!

Hi man,

it would be great to have another adept in our subtitle team :)

Basically, the work we do can be divided in two parts:
1) Sync (Sub Times related)
2) Corrections (Sub Text related)
( Some of our Team Members do actually both ;) )

My advice is that you send a PM to honeybunny and she'll tell you what shows needs to be synced/corrected.

As for the tools to do it, well, if you enter the team, someone will brief you in which ones you will need to use.
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Hello tz3zy.gif
Welcome to the addic7s community! sZCq4.gif

About the subs, you can PM honeybunny, as Kerensky suggested, or you can come by our IRC chan:
server: irc.efnet.org
channel: #addic7ed

It's not the years in the life, but the life in the years dQVXh.gif

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