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Hey There From Belgium


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Hi addic7ees...


Almost 6 months now I've been following this website and using it's contents.


As we are not native English speakers in Flanders where I come from and as my wife who is from Spain we loved to watch episodes of our favorite series in English with English subs. Not alone to better understand what is beeing said, but also to improve our English skills. 


Since we are not very wealthy ( I work but my wife is unemployed) we could not repay what we got from here in cash making some large donation. But nevertheless I wanted to repay all you people out there for the great moments you gave us.


What better way than to start to translaten some of our favorite series in my mothertongue, which is Dutch. So I pinned me to translate Game of Thrones and Hannibal (new awesome series btw) into dutch. Starting to do this made me realise how much hard work you all spend translating and scripting all this series and I can imagine how much harder it must to be to get it all synchronised too. 


As I'm working many hours at the office I only have a limited time I can spend translating but I want to contribute to this website in my own way. 


Thanks for what you are doing and hope there are some people that will enjoy my translated subs too. Everytime I'm starting a new translation I'm posting this on my facebook profile so maybe some friends of mine will find a way to the website and get addic7ed too...


Peter aka mafke2004 ( mafke translates to english as 'the crazy one' although I think of myself as quite sane...)

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If you want some help or split the work or something, let me know! I'm a Dutch-seaking guy from Belgium (Flanders) myself, and I watch (and love) both Game of Thrones and Hannibal!

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