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First (and most important), people that LOVE TV shows or movies.
The subtitle team should be made of:

* Syncer+corrector (adjusts times and checks if the subtitle is complete, spell checks texts and format it to our own rules). This is a position for ENGLISH subtitles only, are we are NOT a team of translators.

If you don't know anything about doing any of these things, we`ll help you.
If you want to join, leave a message.
If you want to live chat about this, come on IRC, channel #addic7ed on EFNet ( irc.efnet.net )




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Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...

Count me in, alex28. I can do well four of the five tasks you listed above, except for the supervisor. Specifically, translating into Vietnamese is my top priority, followed by the correction with timing, line adjusting, spelling...

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The sync is what we need help with and there still are some shows without correctors. For the sync part contact me, for the correction details, contact chamallow.



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Syns, sync, sync, think, think, think, SIC, SIC, SIC....:D
Something to do over the week?


P.S. I hope to be not like D.C. 06x.... :blink:



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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I may find something for you... But we need live conversation, not forum or emails :D

And that means?...., and when?.... to be live, ofcourse :D




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 1 month later...

I wanna help as much as I can :D
I can do the correction and translation, to french.

Contact chammallow (PM)



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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She's French like you, btw.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention that :) !




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 6 months later...

I'm newbie here, so can I ask something?
If I want and can translate I should write to chammallow?
Thanks :)

Oh yea, I forgot to mention that :) !

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Let's see.

Chamallow was the Mother of all correctors :), that means you don't have any reason to PM her.

I assume you want to translate from English to Slovakian, right?
In that case, you have two options: first, start using translate feature from addic7ed.com page, for any show you want to translate.

Or, you can download a subtitle of some desired show, and using Subtitle Workshop or Subtitle Editor or any other subtitle editor software, then start translating from the comfort of your home :) .
You can also "search" for some fellows (some people from your country) and start to make a translating team that will work as an addic7ed.com translating team (hmmm, stupid sentence, isn't so? :) )

Anyway, any option you will choose, will be very appreciated.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 10 months later...

I, cloudblue aka burferthegreat aka bluecloud is an avid sub reader ****. I am not 39 years old and I do not live in Milwaukee kenosha or chicago.
Loves Boardwalk Empire Justified Californication and Shameless and a lot of movies. Can help when needed to correct/proof subs and drink all your coffee and eat all your cookies.(Has own rolled cigarettes).

“And what is good, Phaedrus,
And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?” ? Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values

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Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we have no tasks at this time that are well suited to your evident skills. We will keep your application in our files in the hopes that we can find a suitable task for you in the future.

Don't call us, we'll call you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there!
I would love to participate on the translation of Once Upon a Time into French. You are always the first one to give french subtitles of this show, but unfortunately, the translations are quite often very bad :s I don't need the subtitles personnaly to watch the show, but I am watching it with some friends who need it. And almost one in every 3 sentences, I have to tell them "Ok, the subtitles is completely wrong, what he/she just said was XXXX..." It looks like everything was translated from google translate or something like that which works for some sentences, but can't be used for an entire episode obviously. For instance, they often say "That's right" as in "that's true" but everytime the word "right" is translated in french, instead of heaving it translated to "c'est exact" or something like that (which really means "that's right" in french) they translate it into "c'est à droite" which means "it's on the right" (the direction). And a lot of other stuff are like that. If there was no sound on the video and I just had to understand the story by reading the subtitles, man the story wouldn't have any sense lol
The sync is always quite perfect, nothing really to change there (except if you want something 100% accurate but hey, as long as it works ok, it is fine right? ;) )
Anyway, I would love to participate and help whoever works on this show, and I am also available for other shows like Desperate Housewives, Raising Hope, Modern Family etc.
It's been a while since i've translated a subtitle file, so maybe I will need a little hand on which program to use etc but it should come back fast :)

By the way, I'm not critisizing whoever translate that show, I'm sure it's a lot of work! Just saying that he/she needs a little help, and I'm there ^^

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