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Is it possible to have subs appear from two different positions in an .srt format?


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Hi. I was wondering if it is possible for me to make subs that appear

on top of the screen

and bottom of the screen at the same time.

I used the existing {\an8} to position in on top of the screen. but using {\an2} still makes it appear at the same spot 

and not the supposedly bottom of the screen.

is there any commands that i can use to separate them  so they wont stick together?

your help is very much appreciated.


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Hi @greatbiit,

I'm not an expert on subtitle tags and .ass/.ssa format so I can't help for that.

But I may have something else. I use PotPlayer and it can display two subtitles.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi @greatbiit,

​​Is this what you're looking for?


I used the {\a6} ​and {\a2} tags:

Format: Layer, Start,End,Style,Actor, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0, 0:00:08.49,0:00:13.87,Overlay,, 0, 0, 0,,{\a6}The animals, the animals...
Dialogue: 0, 0:00:11.49,0:00:16.87,Overlay,, 0, 0, 0,,{\a2}Trap! trap! trap! till the cage is full.

Hope this helps.


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  • 3 weeks later...

KMP player it's capable on doing that thing, you could even add three subtitles if you want.  The only problem now is making the subtitles could sync each of them correctly. Well, i better stick with one.

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  • 10 months later...

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