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[Kerensky] Transcript Annotations Cleaner V1.6.9.1 (07-05-2011)


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New version: v21-05-2010

(updated the download link in the 1st post)

New Features:

I fixed the following error:
If "." or "," is used as cut point in the line, now looks if it's not a number.

i stole from the bank 8,000$ and came back here.

Was badly splited as:
i stole from the bank 8,
000$ and came back here.

Now, the result will be:
i stole from the bank
8,000$ and came back here.

( --> THX to Bunny for the report <-- )

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever.
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Thank you, Kerensky.

I suggest that it would be nice to have the download link included in, say, your signature line; that way lazy tykes like me don't have to page back looking for it.


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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New version: v26-05-2010

(updated the download link in the 1st post)

New Features:

1) Now, it won't cut a line in a "." if it's part of an acronym

He's declared by the government M.I.A. but we still have hope.

Now is left as:
He's declared by the government
M.I.A. but we still have hope.

2) I fixed a bug in the "automatically make dialogue a single line".
Now it's not affected by any combination of srt tags.

( --> THX to Champ for the report <-- )

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever.
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this cool piece of software. Just a suggestion though :

When both "Erase NAME:" and "Remove annotations" are checked,

PARKER (over radio): Copy.


I'd like it to become

Thanks alot ;)
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Thanks for this cool piece of software. Just a suggestion though :

When both "Erase NAME:" and "Remove annotations" are checked,


I'd like it to become

Thanks alot ;)

Hi justt

The issue with that kind of sentences is the space between the NAME and the ":",
so, if you remove it by, for example, replacing all " (" for "(", it should do the trick, ok?

I'll post soon a new version that will remove "NAME :" (ignoring the space, if it's just one, before the ":")
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  • 4 weeks later...

New version 1.4: v31-07-2010

(updated the download link in the 1st post)

New Features:

* TAC is now able to read from a txt transcript file.

It will create a srt line for each text block separated by a blank line.
[The timecodes will be set looking at the text length]

* Two new features regarding the automatic subtitle lines length increment
in the Smart Join/Split option.


TAC will increase the line maximum length ONLY for the lines which overpasses the
limit of lines per subs set in the above option.

  1. It will increase the max until the length reach the
    specified % over the original maximum characters per line.
  2. It will increase the length of the lines to force the number of lines set in the option.

Fixed / Improved:

* Now TAC never will leave the initial " of a quote separated from the quoted text.

We're looking for a "yes" or a "no."

We're looking for a "
yes" or a "no."

We're looking for a
"yes" or a "no."

* As justt requested, now TAC will tolerate one space
before the name in the "Erase NAME:" option.

Mark : Leave me alone.
will be left as:
Leave me alone.

* Now, if after an acronym there is a comma, it will use the comma as a cut point
instead of the last dot in the acronym.

Well, i love the C.I.A.
, is full of opportunities.
Well, i love the C.I.A.,
is full of opportunities.

* The dialogue detection has been improved.

- I'm sure he is.
- Whatever you might be
thinking, Agent Parker,

is left now as: (before, TAC just erased both "-")
- I'm sure he is. - Whatever you
might be thinking, Agent Parker,

* Now TAC will replace for "-" the "NAME:" when the text is in the next line.

I can't believe it.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.

will be left as:
- I can't believe it.
- Yeah, it's pretty amazing.

* Now, if the 2nd option in the "Fix common CC errors" (Replace++ window)
is checked, all ">>" will be erased from the text.

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever.
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New version 1.4.1: v05-08-2010

Download (RAR) || Direct Install (Internet Explorer)

New Features:

Well, thanks to the Addic7ed staff (yeah, Addic7ed with "d" and not "c" in the end :P)
now I have a webpage for my subtitle software projects:

--> My Projects WebHomePage <--

And, thanks to that, TAC can now Auto-Update itself :)

(It will look for updates in the start)

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever in this thread
or in the new project page.
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  • 5 weeks later...

New version 1.5: v04-09-2010

Download (RAR) || Direct Install (Internet Explorer)

New Features:

* The settings will be preserved between versions.
( They will be stored in: "...\MyDocuments\Transcript Annotations Cleaner" )

* The check for updates should be silent now (no ugly checking window at the start).
If everything works, you'll get a message asking you if you want to restart after the update.
( I also added a small loading circle in status bar while the new version is downloading )

* Now, if the target encoding charset is NOT "ANSI", the musical notes will be preserved.
(And not replaced with "*") (The charset can be changed in Advanced Options or using the context menu).
Thx to Bunny for this error report.

* (McZolly request) Added to Advanced Options a Exceptions List.
All the text in that list between: "," or ";" will be NOT erased by the Erase Annotations options
if that text is inside an annotation.

You are a [beep] and a [bleep] so you know.

Will be left intact if "beep" and "bleep" are in the Exception List.


As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever in this thread
or in the new project page.
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  • 2 weeks later...

New version 1.6: v17-09-2010

Download (RAR) || Direct Install (Internet Explorer)

New Features:

* Redesigned a bit the GUI (a little more colorful ;))


* New Option: "Erase text across lines" (which you'll find in the 2nd tab (the yellow asterisk)

It will join all close lines (<0.5s) until: 1) No more repeated text; 2)Too much text; 3) The resulting line has 5sec or more
but deleting the repeated text between those lines.

(This is meant to fix all CCs with dupe lines from f/x scrollups)

* Now, the Mainwindow will not freeze while the cleaning is in process.
(you'll see a very famous guy having dinner in the meantime ;))

* Modified: "The "Add '...' to the unfinished lines" option will now replace all "--" for "..."
as asked by M-Rok (in another forum)

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever in this thread
or in the new project page.
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I have mostly used TAC when wanting to process a batch of, say, 24 files - for me, THE most attractive facility of TAC.

I would like to see _TAC files overwriting the originals, rather than having a load of almost duplicate files, in one folder, that take time and effort to identify.

(For the faint of heart, a "Save as..." option, with, perhaps, a 'Browse' function to a different folder might be more comfortable.)

With a folder-view of, say 48 files (after processing) distinguishing between,

"The Adventures Of Noddy - 06x01 - Beep, beep.FQM.English.HI.C.orig.Addic7ed.com.srt" (et. seq.)


"The Adventures Of Noddy - 06x01 - Beep, beep.FQM.English.HI.C.orig.Addic7ed.com_TAC.srt" (bis)

...is tedious, especially as the file labels, in Icon view, are truncated, and show thus:

"The Adventures Of Noddy - 06x01 - ..."

One needs to hover the mouse on each file (at least) to see whether it's _TAC or not - I have learned to simply delete every alternate file, starting with the first one, hoping that I don't lose count along the way... Recovering the occasional lost file is far less trouble than inspecting them one by one.


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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(For the faint of heart, a "Save as..." option, with, perhaps, a 'Browse' function to a different folder might be more comfortable.)

Hi spidy,

If you don't use the batch mode, you can change the output file name in the textbox, even choose a different folder...
I'll add to the list to make something for batch mode, perhaps a little window that ask the user if: 1) Want to overwrite existing files or 2) Want to place the subs in another folder...

...is tedious, especially as the file labels, in Icon view, are truncated, and show thus:
"The Adventures Of Noddy - 06x01 - ..."

This has nothing to do with TAC, but, you know, windows has a very cute "list view" where it displays the full name of the file (I actually only use that view except for pictures)
and also, exists a great number of free multi-file renamers for windows.

I'll try to add soon your request ;)

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'Morning Kerensky.

A simple overwrite will do me fine - life's too short. :D

"This has nothing to do with TAC... "
I recognise that, of course.

"a very cute "list view..." displays the full name of the file... "
"multi-file renamers for windows...."
...are adding yet more actions to the process.

("a very cute "list view..." is something I never use.)

As I said, life's too short - a simple overwrite and zap!


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New version 1.6.5: v03-10-2010

Download (RAR) || Direct Install (Internet Explorer)

New Features:

* Advanced Options -> New tab: List of Abbreviations

When checked, if the text behind a dot matches one of the list, that text will be considered
as an abbreviation, and, because of it, the dot won't be considered as a valid cut point
in the Smart Join/Split text option (which balance the text in the line)


The plan is going as planned Dr. Bishop, you won't be disappointed.

will be left as: (If "Dr." is one of the words in the abbreviation list)

The plan is going as planned Dr. Bishop,
you won't be disappointed.

* Advanced Options -> Modified General tab,

Now you can choose the extension added to the output Filename (".TAC" by default)
or just overwrite the input file .


* Also, in this cases: ' Text.? ', ' Text.! ', ' Text." '
won't be divided the line in the dot (by the Smart Join/Split) as the app did before.

* Fixed error in "Delete repeated text across lines" option when the sub contained empty lines.

* The last version was a little slow when moving the window around... that has been improved.

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever in this thread
or in the new project page.
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  • 3 weeks later...

New version 1.6.6: v20-10-2010

Download (RAR) || Direct Install (Internet Explorer)

New Features:

* New cut points for Smart Join/Split: "!?" and "?!"

* Added "Overwrite Input File" in Context Menu (Disabled by default)


* Fixed error if "--" was the cut point in Smart Join/Split.

* Now the result message will be always on top of the main window.
(With the changes made on the last version, sometimes the message
appeared behind the main window... but accessible from the task bar)

As always, feel free to post bugs/suggestions/comments/whatever in this thread
or in the new project page.
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Slendid program - and gets better all the time!

(Damn! Last night I batch-cleaned over 160 files with the old version - if I'd waited until today, I would have cut the work and hassle by half.)


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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