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VIP rank and AutoGrabbing subtitles


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We have been working on a secret project that i can say it's coming closer to being ready.

We will soon have an application that will allow registered users (with VIP status) to download the subtitles without browsing the website.

This will come in handy for most of you since you'll spend less time browsing the website (and hopefully you'll have more time to enjoy our subs :P).

This comes with a price (not-so-literally-speaking) tho. Not everyone will be able to use it.

In order to use it you'll have to be a VIP.
I'll think of ways so getting VIP won't be hard so everyone will have a chance.

As you already know, if you have donated you can send me an e-mail from the address associated with the PayPal ID and i'll make it happen.

If you donate you'll be a VIP (if you send me an email with the PayPal ID and the addic7ed username).

This is the fastest way to be a VIP.
Donation money would go to further development of the website and it will also cover the costs to run the site.

Now that we got the money thing covered...

Maybe some of you can't pay due to personal reasons (or well, you just don't have a credit card or PayPal account).
I'll give away accounts to the first 10 people that reply to a Twitter post.. or to the first 20 people that reply to a Facebook post... or to people that solve the Trivia(spyderspyder is goood) or God knows what else.

If you're raged about VIP - donations please keep in mind that as you can see i`m offering other options too.

If you're wondering why not just make it public... the reason is simple: leechers are not cool. Having access to cool stuff requires you to put something back in the pot... even if it's just the interest to reply to a twitter post.

Waiting your questions or feedback as usual.

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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my first thought was: oh no, another app. what is this, opensubs politic ripoff?
i understand the wish to cash in your efforts and lost time, but is there any real need for another app? i think not.
but, as long as subtitles are available on web site in same time as in application, i don't care. if you start with delaying web publishing in favour of app, i'll be the first one to buy damn app and then upload subs on some still open&free sub site.

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Don`t get it wrong. You're not buying the application. I take no profit from the money (i can prove it whenever anyone wants) people donate (they go to paying the server, buying templates and so on... expect many changes in the near future.. as you can see things started moving).

It may be no need to you.. but it may be to others. I had lots of emails from people requesting auto download without browsing the website (several reasons.. i find it useless to be honest).

Yea, sure.. we could have got someone to make a plugin for SubLight or any other program out there that already does this.. but we like to keep things under control (easier to spot leaks in the future.. remember our last downtime?).

Delaying the subs would be out of my moral boundaries (i did not put full page ads... so starting with this kind of shit now is unacceptable).

This will only serve people that want to download a subpack (season pack) without clicking too much.
That's all there is to it.

+ If it was for the money.. VIP would be only a paid account :P

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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thanks for qucik clarification :)
don't get me wrong, i have no problem with you making extra profit any way you can. ads don't bother me, anyone with half brain use adblocker or something like it, so if you can sell more ads space on web page, go for it. charge for app, or give it away under any terms you want. all i wanted to hear is this: "Delaying the subs would be out of my moral boundaries" :)

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Hmmm, what to say... it's a good move, it's a bad move, i don't know, you are the only one to say that.
But, i guess many of those who use now addic7ed to find subs, will leave and will start to search to another place. Of course, is not such a big thing, but that will be like what is happening now in Vama Veche, you know what i mean to say.



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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What a great idea !

Looks like i'd like to be VIP on this one !
I understand the need for money at some point, and it seems like an honest way to do it.

Keep it up !
And thanks again for everything ...


Addic7ed RUUUUULES !
check my band : Thou, Ill Mace Horn ! and tell me what you think.

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@dr.jackson: why would they move to another website? It doesn't change anything. The site will run as it already is... as i said this will only benefit the users that are lazy and want to download faster (by faster instead of 20 clicks, 5 - when it comes to packs)

@zenibuka: glad you understood (hope you did... seems you did)

@isarah: i`ll try :P

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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OK, seems I misunderstood your ideea. Thank you.



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Well what did you understand and what made you understand that?
I`m just trying to figure out why users get confused -.-

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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I've been a contributor for awhile now and I respect and appreciate the work you and the team have done. I am all for you providing a VIP service because even from some of the posts here and stuff I've seen people complain about on Facebook that a number of the people that use this site have no respect for the time you and your team put into this site and these subs.

Stuff like "i'll be the first one to buy damn app and then upload subs on some still open&free sub site. " is the reason that most open and free sites cease to exist after awhile because the people that do all the work get their work stolen and used on other sites.

Along with that and what Dr. Jackson said about people will go to other sites. I think what Dr. Jackson and innuit both fail to realize is that without Addic7ed and the team, there is no other site that immediately releases subs like you guys do.

Haven't you noticed that when Addic7ed was down for a few days that even their packs of subs were released before any of the other sites had them. It was back to the days of 3-4 days after a show aired before any of the other sites had subs.

Think about that before you make comments that disrespect the work and time Alex and the team put into this site and the subs, because I know without them, everyone will be back to waiting 3+ days for subs on first aired programs.

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I've been a contributor for awhile now and I respect and appreciate the work you and the team have done. I am all for you providing a VIP service because even from some of the posts here and stuff I've seen people complain about on Facebook that a number of the people that use this site have no respect for the time you and your team put into this site and these subs.

Stuff like "i'll be the first one to buy damn app and then upload subs on some still open&free sub site. " is the reason that most open and free sites cease to exist after awhile because the people that do all the work get their work stolen and used on other sites.

Along with that and what Dr. Jackson said about people will go to other sites. I think what Dr. Jackson and innuit both fail to realize is that without Addic7ed and the team, there is no other site that immediately releases subs like you guys do.

Haven't you noticed that when Addic7ed was down for a few days that even their packs of subs were released before any of the other sites had them. It was back to the days of 3-4 days after a show aired before any of the other sites had subs.

Think about that before you make comments that disrespect the work and time Alex and the team put into this site and the subs, because I know without them, everyone will be back to waiting 3+ days for subs on first aired programs.

Respectfully I will ask you do not have hasty conclusions from what I said. I noticed that there are many "rush" people (not to say otherwise), and also, many who really do not realize what a subtitle means. That they will not use addic7ed, in my view, is not something to regret. But others will be, maybe "scared" of something they should do extra to get what they want (habits die hard :D ), and also they could quit using addic7ed. That is what i want to say.

Anyway, I cleared with Alex all aspects on which I had questions.



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Stuff like "i'll be the first one to buy damn app and then upload subs on some still open&free sub site. " is the reason that most open and free sites cease to exist after awhile because the people that do all the work get their work stolen and used on other sites.

hmm..podnapisi.net are here since 2003,divx-titlovi.com (under that or other names) since 2001,divxsubtitles.net too, opensubtitles since 2006...and they are just biggest sites in my neighbourd. and althrough their speed and accuracy is not always same, they are still here and don't show any intentions to go away.

Along with that and what Dr. Jackson said about people will go to other sites. I think what Dr. Jackson and innuit both fail to realize is that without Addic7ed and the team' date=' there is no other site that immediately releases subs like you guys do.[/quote']

which, of course, is not true. before addic7ed there were wikisubs, before them shooter/ydy, before them forom...subbing was always popular sport in some obscure subcultures :P
when life get its toll on honeybunny, alex and the rest of the addic7ed team, they will cease and drop dead, and some other boys&girls will take their place...it's just the way it is.

way back, 3-4 days were needed because there wasn't many programmes with subtitles and/or enough devoted american and british cc rippers, so all work was done the old fashioned way - by ear.
no fancy transcripts with minimal ocring and syncing, but real work. ah, those were the days, my friend... :)

you see, anime fansubbing always had speedsub and quality sub. speed is not everything. i give to addic7ed team that they are fast, and most time good to very good, but best subtitles for shows now are provided by french teams, and wait time for them is 4-10 days.
but, you youngsters, you are all about speed...where are you rushing? take it easy, death will catch up with you eithe way :P
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Well... we've seen all this new programs and devoted Americans and British rippers when we were down... quite stunning -.-

Everything is replaceable but i don't think they'll be fast(er). Just my 2 offtopic cents

(not all the subs are rips.. :P)

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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oh well. when you were down...thanks to chocolate, beans and few others, english shows were subbed in time...i mean, in superultrasonicspeed time spoiled addic7ed fans expect subs to be done :P
chinese provided many hit shows as promptly as usual, eg in 12-24 hours time. itasa, prijevodi-online,those french and polish guys, they all had their translations in 24-48 hours from airing, sometimes faster than english subs.

look, don't get me wrong, i really appreciate your work. but face it, your speed is not product of your over agility, it is just good organization and access to american cc streams. give that access to any other site, and they will be even faster :P

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I`m not getting you wrong.. but last time i checked America was a pretty big country... and subtitle websites were quite a bunch... so what's stopping others to find willing Americans? :P

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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right :)
afaik, and i know a lot about subbers in my region, they are lazy bunch of wannabe translators who can't be bothered with original scripts. "the scripts will come, this way or other, we just wanna translate" is their motto :P

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OK, innuit, we got you, ever since your first post we understood we are replaceable, anyone can do our job, we don't provide anything special bla bla bla... Please show us some irreplaceable work that you do and then maybe you will be entitled to tell us how lame we are. Thanks.



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OK, innuit, we got you, ever since your first post we understood we are replaceable, anyone can do our job, we don't provide anything special bla bla bla... Please show us some irreplaceable work that you do and then maybe you will be entitled to tell us how lame we are. Thanks.

While addic7ed MIGHT be replaceable (IDTS) the QUALITY of the subs found here CANNOT be replaced imo. I get subs from other sites when I absolutely have to and I can say from experience the the subs here are of the highest quality, there's little to no "trash" in the files (strange characters, improper formatting, words run together, incorrect spelling etc.) The "coders" here take time to do quality work, and 90% of the time they are fast in doing this work.

So IMO this site is NOT replaceable in the sense that i do not see HB, Chamallow(sp), or the other coders on the other sites unless someone has "stolen" there work and placed it on a different site w/o due credit.
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Good morning, all.

This is a very interesting thread.

As I see it:

1. Addic7ed.com provides the best subtitle service I have ever seen.

2. Not only are most of the subs in a variety of languages, and of ever-increasing high quality, they are FREE - you don't even have to register to download them.

3. To provide the Addic7ed.com services, complemented by Sub-Talk.net requires hardware (or rented server space) to store and host the the data banks and control programs, and internet bandwidth.
(Not to mention hours of personal time and, I guess, a bottomless coffee pot or other continuous source of caffeine to maintain what I suspect is now an habitual state of insomnia!)

All this, as far as I can gather, is funded primarily from Alex's pocket - supplemented by what can be garnered from those who donate.

But to the happy downloaders, it is all FREE!

Now Alex has come up with a way of attracting more donations - there will be a little gizmo that will automatically download favourite subs without having to go to all the trouble of looking for them and clicking on them. This will be available to those who make a donation of as much (or as little) as they can afford - if they want it.
A bit of additional icing on the cake will be the label of "VIP".

But guess what else will have changed...


Addic7ed.com will continue to provide the best subtitle service, and www.sub-talk.net/ will still be available, and they will still be FREE for all and any who want them.

And here's the interesting part: some people are complaining! Loudly!

It's a strange old world.


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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