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I'm An Indonesian Girl


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i'm a indonesian girl and i'd like to help make more indonesian subtitle

can someone help me how can I help?

because almost all ongoing TV series subtitle uploaded by Team and I don't know how to join




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I'm not sure I understand you. But here you go:


You can translate any series into Indonesian by creating an account on Addic7ed.com (you've probably already done that).



  • Once logged in, choose the episode of the series you'd like to translate 8479916729_971f5cf6ec_t.jpg (click to enlarge):





  • Once done, you'll be redirected to the page of that episode, for instance Californication S06E03 (click to enlarge):



On this page, you'll see numerous subtitles in English, each for a specific version (ASAP, LOL, etc.). Choose the one that suits you.


Here, you have two ASAP versions, 8479916729_971f5cf6ec_t.jpg and 8481007292_6ab370b274_o.jpg. Why two? Because those are  of?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> the same subtitle, one for the Hearing Impaired, one for the non-Hearing Impaired. The HI one is marked by an ear 8479916659_0e13d16e2f_o.jpg.


Most translations are made on the non-HI, so let's take this one (8481007292_6ab370b274_o.jpg). You can see that under the English subtitle uploaded by the team (the Addic7ed logo is shown next to it), there are already two translations, one in French and one in Portuguese-Brazilian. The French translation is already completed (100%), while the Portuguese-Brazilian is still at work (10.05%).

But there's no Indonesian translation. How to create one? It's easy. Just click on "New Translation" 8479916643_10225b8f9d_o.jpg (the second one, of course).



  • You'll jump to this page:



Choose English for the "Original language", then, under "Language to", choose Indonesian and click "Translate".



  • It will then open a new translation page which looks like this (click to enlarge):






That's it. Now, just fill in each sequence (pink box) marked - Untranslated - with your translation.


Know that there's no translation team on Addic7ed, anyone can contribute by any means. So feel free to work at your pace.


Also, remember, there are some basic rules to translating subtitles. Here there are in Indonesian:



Peraturan dasar penerjemahan


Pengguna yang tidak mematuhi aturan ini akan dilarang melakukan penyuntingan untuk sementara. Jika Anda melakukannya lagi, maka Anda akan dilarang melakukan penyuntingan selamanya.  


  • Saksikanlah episodenya untuk menghindari kesalahan penerjemahan

  • Periksalah versi mana yang Anda terjemahkan (reguler atau hearing impaired). Baca lebih lanjut disini 

  • Dilarang menggunakan mesin penerjemah.

  • Maksimum 40 karakter per baris (TEKAN ENTER UNTUK BERPINDAH BARIS), terdapat penghitung karakter di bawah setiap kotak terjemahan. Ia akan berwarna merah setelah mencapai batasnya.

  • Patuhilah pedoman ejaan dan tata bahasa yang sesuai dengan bahasa Anda.

  • Terjemahkanlah apa yang bisa Anda terjemahkan; jika Anda tidak tahu bagaimana cara menerjemahkan sesuatu, jangan lakukan, jangan menyimpan baris dalam keadaan kosong.



Kami tidak akan mentolerir mengenai versi hearing impaired. Jika Anda tidak mematuhinya, kami mungkin akan menghapus terjemahan Anda tanpa meminta persetujuan Anda terlebih dahulu.

Pengguna yang tidak mematuhi aturan ini akan diblokir, dan terjemahan mereka akan dihapus, meskipun terjemahannya sudah banyak.

Pengguna yang menghina pengguna lain atau anggota staff akan diblokir dari situs ini.


Good luck.

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