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Tchétchénie, une guerre sans traces (2014) French documentary


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I would really like to see this documentary, but unfortunately I do not know french well enough, and even english is not my native language.
But I understand english subtitles at least, so please, if you know where to get it, if you have it (I know that this film was shown on festivals with eng subs), or you can create your own translation, I would be very grateful.


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That would be a great start!

But what about translation? Do you know a particular person or community that would translate it?

I am myself taking a part in russian translation community notabenoid, but most of participants only know English and are not very interested in this film.

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for this moment, i can just create the french subtitles, but after i can propose the translation for the addic7ed community if you want.

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Thanks for your work!

Unfortunately, hardcoded subs (French subtitles on screen) are missing. This would defeat the purpose for those who wish to help translating.

Now that you can upload, can you please reupload another version with those missing lines? EDIT: We'll try to work something out.

With other users, we're on the task to correct some other mistakes, you can check them on View & Edit mode.


Edited by taytoy
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That would be a great start!

But what about translation? Do you know a particular person or community that would translate it?

I am myself taking a part in russian translation community notabenoid, but most of participants only know English and are not very interested in this film.

 melkyway is translating it right now.

you must watch it with your entire family and then again with all your friends, and then talk about it to everyone you met, because there is a lot of people (5, actually) who spend a looooot of time on it, just for you. You can thanks lolusab and taytoy because they started it.


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I appreciate it very much, I really do.
And sure thing I will watch it and spread the Word in every way possible.
I hope soon enough I will be able to contribute to translations and thus repay.

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I have finished the translation. I think @taytoy is going to look it over one last time this week.

I must say that there were a few times here and there when I wanted to have a good cry. Translating a TV show is one thing, but this... well.

It's a very good documentary. I hope that our work will allow many people to watch it.

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While this ongoing somber chapter for this country is more than dispiriting, I'd like to take my hat off to this tremendous team who managed to bring this endeavour to completion.

I wrote in the chatbox that I wouldn't be able to provide a last proofreading before Thursday, but maybe tomorrow could do. I'll try my best for 2secondes to release the whole thing.

@2secondes, I saw your message in the chatbox. Thanks for the thought, but I think credits should go to @lolusab, @melkyway and yourself (maybe @flydu as well? I read a comment on that). I merely boosted this endeavour and did some proofreading. It's up to you and the rest of the gang. I'm fine either way!

Thank you again. 

May this work help the cause.


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Tremendously Improvised Team, I'd say :]

Or The Tremendous Team for the alliteration!

Edited by melkyway
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I am working on russian translation now, and I must say: there is a bizarre effect while translating through three languages.

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Indeed, it is never the best practice. But as you can see the page has been moved. More people are joining the team to polish the French version. As of now, I'm reworking the English version based on melkyway's translation. The revised version should come tomorrow if everything goes smoothly, if that's of any help.


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