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Request for "Monterey Pop Festival 1967"


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Hi everybody !

Maybe the best festival ever, strictly about music, two years before Woodstock (69)

with Janis Joplin and a lot of rock stars, included a magic set of Jimmy Hendrix.

DVD is available, but no subtitles...

By chance, if Grand Dad read this post and know where to find english subtitles ???

Found just one site where it seems possible, but you have to pay before !!! with a credit card !!

no garanties about the material and the security....

thank you




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Hi Ani !

je continue en anglais ??!!:1290892329:

The songs are probably not translate, it's less important.

I look for the comments of the people around.

I couldn't catch correctly the conversations, my english is still the same !

Hope you can help me ! Thanks !



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I thought you had a clue....

Im looking for these subtitles since 2 years.

But 1967, it's very far and the people interested is nearly dead !:haha:

My only hope is a DVD sell in a particular country with subtitles.

....and ask to the people who owns this DVD to extract the subtitles file... which is possible...

Monterey Festival was not so popular than Woodstock.

In fact, I think that the Monterey DVD (full version) was on sale a very long time after the event (meaning "in Europe").

No Internet, no Amazon, no P to P, no YouTube.... that was a prehistoric time !

Woodstock was on the screen, but not Monterey (nearly sure, big mess about the rights to record and to film).

We saw always the same part during decades, on TV :  when Hendrix burns his guitar...

You're going to laugh...> I was in Dallas Texas in december and I try to ask around me and in a music shop...

100 per cent said they didn't know this festival.

Hendrix, Joplin, Otis Reding, The Who et plein d'autres.......et les Mamas and Papas qui étaient à la base de l'idée et en étaient les organisateurs.


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I wish I could live again in those "prehistoric" times, when music was so great. (I still have a few vinyles).

Maybe some "vieux croûton" like us will be able to help you, if he/she has the DVD...

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et zut, je te réponds en français !:JFBQ00134070103A:

Je crois que c'est une quête désespérée, mais j'aurai essayé !

Le site sur lequel ils proposaient ces subs est trop douteux.

Demander un paiement et par CB avant même qu'on puisse savoir s'il s'agit bien des bons subs,

ça ressemble à une grosse arnaque...et je ne donne pas mes infos CB n'importe où.

Le rigolo ?  Il n'est pas impossible que j'aille....à Monterey un de ces quatre...

ma femme m'emmène parfois dans ses bagages lors de ses déplacements business car elle bosse pour une boite US.

On est potentiellement invités à L.A.

Mais même sur place, si le DVD avec subs n'est jamais sorti, ils n'en sortiront pas un spécialement pour moi !

Je te dirai en MP si tu veux, mes motivations...:bye:


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J'ai pris mes distances avec ce forum pour des raisons que tu connais ou pas...

aucun changement notable ne me permet de modifier ma décision.

Comme je ne veux pas recommencer à faire du subbing, j'en reste là.

Je pensais que sur le forum "international", peut être un vieux fou aurait une solution pour ce film.


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“Monterey Pop” is, by far, my personal favorite of the three major concert films from that era.
It is like the new flower of the time, just beginning to open.  Many of the artists unknown outside of their strongholds in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and to a lesser extent, Chicago.
The other two concert films being “Woodstock” and “Gimme Shelter” (Altamont).
OK – The Criterion DVD has a bonus audio commentary.  There are no subtitles for the concert or commentary, however.  Likewise, the bonus disc featuring additional performances.  No subs on that, either.
I went to DVDCompare and loaded “Monterey Pop” in the search engine.
It pulled up the regular DVD, as well as the BluRay.
All versions it listed showed Subtitles – None.
Good luck.


Désolé, Google translate -

«Monterey Pop» est de loin mon préféré parmi les trois principaux films de concert de cette époque.
C'est comme la nouvelle fleur du temps qui commence à s'ouvrir. De nombreux artistes inconnus en dehors de leurs places fortes à San Francisco, Los Angeles et dans une moindre mesure, Chicago.
Les deux autres films de concert sont «Woodstock» et «Gimme Shelter» (Altamont).
OK - Le DVD Criterion contient un commentaire audio supplémentaire. Il n'y a pas de sous-titres pour le concert ou les commentaires, cependant. De même, le disque bonus contient des performances supplémentaires. Aucun sous-marin là-dessus non plus.
Je suis allé à DVDCompare et ai chargé «Monterey Pop» dans le moteur de recherche.
Il a tiré le DVD normal, ainsi que le BluRay.
Toutes les versions répertoriées indiquaient Sous-titres - Aucun.
Bonne chance.

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thanks for your answer !

Cheung Chau, seriously ?? wow !!  Spent a short time around, few years ago....

You said what I also found. Infortunately, big chances that it will never change...too old...problems of rights...

My only hope is to find an anglo-saxon friend who will accept to transcribe what he ears in viewing the DVD...

If my english would be correct, I would do that...

It's a way for me to promote this concert

...when I have the blues, I listen/watch "Like a rolling stone" by Hendrix, specialy the intro guitar....:1290892307:

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Bonjour à tous,

en faisant des recherches, j'ai trouvé que la ZDF a diffusé le concert avec des ST allemand, c'est une piste possible.

Bonjour chez vous ! ;)

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Salut Apo !

En effet, c'est une ouverture...si on trouve quelqu'un qui peut traduire le teuton en français.

Je ne parle allemand que sous la torture, au petit matin, devant 12 fusils...

Pourtant j'ai passé 16 mois en uniforme là bas...mais 25 ans après mon père et de manière plus sympa...

euh.....c'est de l'humour, on est bien d'accord ??? on n'est pas sous le régime du "Patriot Act" ?

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Here you go in English from our source. Monterey Pop.srt


Info on the file:

"It's unsynced in the sense that the start will not match. The CCs are fine as far as the start of each line (when I watched it) but a fair number of the durations are not long enough for the sung lyrics"


Edited by chamallow


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  • 1 month later...

The first part is okay....

For the second part,  I found a friend for a translation from the audio....I hired my wife !

I realised that the Woodstock video was probably inspired but the Monterey video...(??!!)

views from the point of the organisation of the concert, interview of people around, of policemen, views of the "hippie people".

I found the same general feeling..

Little story about Monterey:

The Who and Jimi Hendrix played "head tail head" (?) for the order of their passage on stage.

The Who though that would be a disaster for them to perform "after" Hendrix ! Hendrix won...

The Who wanted to play their new opera-rock, "A quick one" . That was a flop....They never play it again.

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  • 1 year later...
Hello people. I've been looking for this legend but I can't find anything. 
If you got the sub, could you share it? Thank you in advance.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/13/2019 at 11:06 AM, chamallow said:

Here you go in English from our source. Monterey Pop.srt


Info on the file:

"It's unsynced in the sense that the start will not match. The CCs are fine as far as the start of each line (when I watched it) but a fair number of the durations are not long enough for the sung lyrics"


Finally i got it. thanks for the source. I made the subtitles in Portuguese and adjusted the sync. Available in legendas.tv



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