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honeybunny’s message for Addic7ed’s users

Guest honeybunny

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I was looking for a topic to say: Thank you for all your great work.
I know that there are always people to complain about everything but I am sure that most of us are grateful that you are spending your time for our pleasure.
Keep the the good work and take all the time you need (most of use prefer quality over speed and we understand that you can have other stuff to do than making our subs).

Thanks again :D

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  • 4 months later...

A very delayed thanks, Honeybunny and the rest of the team. I am in awe of the sheer volume and variety of TV show subtitles produced here, if only in English transcription. And you're always the first out there. No complaints.
I've been using Addic7ed for a couple of years and only been contributing, myself, as a translator, for a couple of months. Just trying to give back a little. Actually trying to refrain from getting more deeply involved here myself. ;-)

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  • 7 months later...

Hello to all the members of The Sub-Talk forum and the venerable Addic7ed subtitle engine, especially you Honeybunny. You guys have made or TV series watching a pleasure with your work. I second your motion by asking everybody to be patient and refrain to make outrageous requests from the translators. Just be glad they´re there doing this self-less labor.


Again thanks to all.





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  • 4 weeks later...

O hai dere ! Big shout outs to the Addic7ed team for their wonderful work on all of our wonderful shows; Much apprecited especially by the Deafies amongst us :D Sure makes my **** needs über super until that day comes when closed captions are actually embedded into online streams much like they are with over the air (OTA) transmisions. KUDOS!!!


Imma catch y'all over on EFnet ~ Cheers!

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~{ TwiztedZero @JeeringSpectre | Nine*Zero*Burp*Nine*Six | IRC: EFnet #addic7ed }~


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  • 4 weeks later...

Who cares about those who complain of delayed occurrence subtitles?
I try to imagine those: some viewers, with bags of peanuts and cans of juice in them arms, with big open eyes propped on TV.
Respect for the guy next to you, work towards the other, lack of education of many.

Quota of "like" is'nt aviable lol so....I let you know how much I agree with you.....

At least, I don't mind the complainers even if they are ....quite ass hole lol


In the same time...a little thanks for honeybunny who makes a great job and thank you too Dr Jackson, I had see your job in several shows and...you'r fast and pretty good so....shit on the complainers, the translation may not be possible without your work ! Thanks a lot to you and....to the others (whose I don't know the names 'cause you're too many to create a hard work for our pleasure !)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm in the camp that is quite happy to wait around for a better quality of completely voluntary service to the community.
Patience is a virtue, as they say, and I need at least some small amount of that to balance all my indulgent sinning ;)

Many thanks for all that you (that is, everyone involved in any way) do to help us.

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Ever since "discovering" it, addic7ed has been my place to go to when downloading subtitles. I know for most shows when to expect the subs, and I know that in my timezone the subs became available in late afternoon for one show and early morning for another. I just wait. I think it's so amazing that these episodes are even online so fast, and that the subs are online so fast as well!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Addic7ed is the best site I go to regularly - it has stopped so many arguments over prolonged laughter, mobile telephone calls, personal comments and the like, as the subs reading can be done over any noise.  My deaf grandmother who lives with us can also enjoy TV shows.  I find the complainers on the site are irksome, don't they realise that tools  like Subtitle Workshop are just so easy to use, and you can re-sync shows if the release group differs from the released subtitle.  I must say without Honneybunny and the other processors and up-loaders, our life would not be as good.

Thank you Addic7ed for your selfless work for the community, and the happiness you bring


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone ! Sorry to disturb you but I have a question for honeybunny... I know that's not the better place to talk about that but I can't find how I could send a private message. I just have a big interrogation about that : "Why had you put this sentence in french : Vie antérieure comme un alien... in your subtitles in Community S04E03 ?". Contact me on facebook, if it's possible for you, to tell me the answer. Thanks a lot. Goodbye

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Hello everyone ! Sorry to disturb you but I have a question for honeybunny... I know that's not the better place to talk about that but I can't find how I could send a private message. I just have a big interrogation about that : "Why had you put this sentence in french : Vie antérieure comme un alien... in your subtitles in Community S04E03 ?". Contact me on facebook, if it's possible for you, to tell me the answer. Thanks a lot. Goodbye


you're right, this is not the better place to talk about that because : 

- honeybunny isn't a translator but a syncer and member of the addic7ed team (translations are made by users like you)

- there's a French forum to discuss about translations (you should have search a little) : http://www.sub-talk.net/forum/48-french/

- you can read the English sentence in the French translation of this episode by using the View and Edit mode. See point E. here  ->


We're waiting for you on the French side,

Cheers :)


Edited by Traditore
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This place is like somebody's memory of a town, and the memory is fading.

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  • 10 months later...

addic777777.jpgi am an addic7


i wro7e more, where did i7 go ?


edi7: oops pos7ed old one a7 firs7... 7his one below is closer 7o 7he original drawing, 7oo big of a knuckle and missing some knuckles 7oo i7 seems... so in ms pain7 i make i7  a lo7 be77er  [see above]  7his is here is closer 7o 7he original, [no7 drawn by me, go7 i7 online]addic777.jpg

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