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Subtitles Stopped


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We all agree that subtitulos.es' translations are not the best, but we must reckon they are the fastest in spanish. Maybe because a bunch of people enters the site and contribute (with skills or not) to the final translation.
This crowded bunch of translators is twofold: sometimes the fight each other (mainly spaniards agains latinoamericans), etc.

And we also know that all the english subtitles come from Addic7ed, no wonder.
The subtitulos.es free-form method of translation allows practically anyone to modify the original basis. If you had to blame someone for erasing Addic7ed credits should be the site's moderator, for his lack of control.

Thus, Addic7ed is unfairly punishing all of us when they're stopping they releases. The spanish-speaking community (which exceeds the spaniards, responsible of the alleged "robbery") we feel kinda hostages of this ego-duel between Honeybunny and Gabriel from subtitulos.es

Today, me and thousands more, cannot see our favorite shows (in my case Fringe and The Mentalist) cause of you, guys. So please, administrators, come to an agreement and release us!


P.S. (added a couple of hours later): Fortunately, subtitulos.es managed to get these two subtitles ("Fringe" in italian, already rendered into spanish! and "The Mentalist" in U.K. english, which will be finished in a while). Conclusion: Nobody is indispensable. Internet is a huge ocean where the borders fade away... knowledge is to share. This mess could be simply solved being both parties less arrogant and, maybe, honouring subtitulos.es its source (Addic7ed) thru the credits (mandatory!). This should work.


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yeah.. but it's not that easy since *the other* administrator is not replying.


Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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I can't know who's really right on this, but i know without this site other subtitles sites would have to work harder or find another site that work for them.

I am a spaniard that usually download subs from here in english, but my wife wants them in spanish so some shows i have to look for them in spanish and subtitulos.es had being a great site for it since wikisubtitles was forced to shut down. A horrible admin or some few stupid guys don't represent an entire community. I just hope this will have a fast resolution for the users that had nothing to do with it. For me i don't give a damn i can watch the shows without subtitles, but i also have been using them from a long time and i am thankful to this site and others and their users for their hard work.

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Well, I most certainly understand your frustration over this ugly business, and will support whatever you choose to do, but I must say that stopping all releases seems to me like letting them actually win. You stop releasing subs, they continue. Even if their original subs are crappy, as long as it's the only source for subs, they gain momentum and draw more crowds. Your community gets shattered while theirs flourishes. This just sounds wrong to me. I think it's a big victory for them, and this thought pisses me off. Am I the only one who sees it this way?

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Reading the statement that alex posted from the other site I'm sorry but i insist on my childish claim.
He reply, he didn't reply, he received the email, he didn't received the email, they steal, the don't steal.
You both need to stop act like babies that someone stole your toy!

I'm really sorry for this.

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i just did post on their forum my post :P- i wonder how much will live until it gets deleted

quoting ( of myself) ( http://www.foroseries.com/comunicados-oficiales/480-postura-oficial-ante-las-falsas-acusaciones-realizadas-contra-esta-comunidad-7.html#post4951 )

"sorry por non hablar espanol :P
regarding this issue that seems to never end.. between subtitulos.es and addic7ed.com
as i perceive the fact- with no hard feelings:
most of subtitle translators have the pride of their work- which is done of their free-and it is very normal to be like that - so keeping their credits is only fair play on the scene from the others
after i noticed the stopping of the releases on addic7ed.com went into the matter
and i noticed something really obvious:
the release pace on subtitulos.es stopped as well as their english subtitles released are the base for almost 95% of the other subtitles in other languages- so they really do the work
please just kindly stop with this useless and un-productive pride

PS u may delete my post- but this could be another proof that i am damn right on the matter"

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Hmm gotta say i think this whole thing is ridiculous and extremely childish. Does it really matter that much that this site and contributors get the right amount of credit?

Is this site made so you can get an extra tap on the shoulder each time you make a release or is it made to actually help the people out there no matter who might or might not steal your work?

If i made a site like this i would focus on one thing. Making the best subtitles out there. What i wouldnt care about is the people who steals them and put them on their own site because would that help the ones who depend on my releases? No it would not so please grow up.

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Do I have to post what I said already several times every 10 posts so that such comments would not appear any more? Why do all of you focus on the credit thing? Learn to read what's all about.

"You stop releasing subs, they continue." - they don't continue. Not with all the subs. Maybe with 10%.

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Hmm gotta say i think this whole thing is ridiculous and extremely childish. Does it really matter that much that this site and contributors get the right amount of credit?

Is this site made so you can get an extra tap on the shoulder each time you make a release or is it made to actually help the people out there no matter who might or might not steal your work?

If i made a site like this i would focus on one thing. Making the best subtitles out there. What i wouldnt care about is the people who steals them and put them on their own site because would that help the ones who depend on my releases? No it would not so please grow up.

How many subtitles did you do in your life? Don't get me wrong, but it's easy to judge. Imagine your work (whatever work it is), and imagine someone taking credit for it. How would that make you feel?

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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@alex28, I think in the end you're all saying the same. You can find legal people doing their own translations and always keeping credits, or just morons doing copy/paste to look like translators. Despicable, as someone said, but real. The only solution relies on working on preventing this kind of users and we all hope it will be easier with the new web. It looks crystal clear to me that is too much work for a single person, and (and I'm not justifying it) the reason why Gabriel hasn't been taking care of this matters. Again, let's cross our fingers and hope the new system will solve this out.


Lol'ed hard, but tell me you're not serious about the "attempt of prevent the pople of knowing you" part, addic7ed is all over subtitulos.es website right now :)

Yeah, I read the comments on one translation saying the more difficult it is to work with raw subs from the chinese, people telling other that don't download any English addi7ed-labeleed subs released today are fake, etc.

I see in several post, (not in the one that I'm quoting) that although understand the reason why you do, what you do, they also say that stopping the releasing of subs is not the thing to do. Well it looks like everyone think that we have the right to have subs for watching our shows, and we take that as granted. The truth is that Honneybunny, alex, and the rest of the Staff do what they do, because they wanted, and if one day decide to dedicate their time to other things, they are in their right. Addi7ed has the absolute right of doing what they considered necessary, or what they wanted, and we that get things for free, we have no right in criticize their decision.
Sorry but I thin that I couldn't explin clearly what I wanted to say in the last paragraph, I hope you understand it anyway.
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Hmm gotta say i think this whole thing is ridiculous and extremely childish. Does it really matter that much that this site and contributors get the right amount of credit?

Is this site made so you can get an extra tap on the shoulder each time you make a release or is it made to actually help the people out there no matter who might or might not steal your work?

If i made a site like this i would focus on one thing. Making the best subtitles out there. What i wouldnt care about is the people who steals them and put them on their own site because would that help the ones who depend on my releases? No it would not so please grow up.

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Do I have to post what I said already several times every 10 posts so that such comments would not appear any more? Why do all of you focus on the credit thing? Learn to read what's all about.

"You stop releasing subs, they continue." - they don't continue. Not with all the subs. Maybe with 10%.

Yeah but is the easy topic to discuss and go for.
I think that not replying to your request, baning you from the site, etc., this are no manners.
I imagine that if gabriel answered you saying that as he is the only one with "superpowers" on his web he can not grant that your demands are followed, probably your answwer wil be different. But when only one part try to reach a solution, normally it's impossible to achieve.
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Do I have to post what I said already several times every 10 posts so that such comments would not appear any more? Why do all of you focus on the credit thing? Learn to read what's all about.

"You stop releasing subs, they continue." - they don't continue. Not with all the subs. Maybe with 10%.

I understand you more than you could actually imagine, because the same thing happened to our site in The Czech Republic (you can have a look at it here www.titulkari.com) - we do subtitles from scratch - the timing, the translation, everything and there is this other site, that is more of a database with lots of people adding their or stolen subtitles, is finding our existence as a threat to their own, because we proud ourself on making quality subtitles, not just something out of a translator... Their admin (he owns the site and makes profit of running it with a shitload of ads) got really angry when my friends and I left his "database" and started our own site and he kept stealing our subtitles, deleting the credits and then banning any discussion under the subtitles and usually banning any user that only mentioned "titulkari" on the forums or wherever. Then he attacked our site and hope we would take it down and return t his site or stop translating in general, but we didnt do either.
Of course, we were angry but we kept in mind our users and fans who loved our work and who stood by us through all this mess. It still happens from time to time - some user from the other site takes our subtitles, deletes our credits and claims its his work, but we befriended one of the admins there, who understands and he deletes our stolen work and gives a fair warning to the users. And once in every few months, there's a movie that we translate (like the social network) that doesnt have a translation over there and the owner of the site takes over our favorite admin and lets people put our work to his site...
You see... No one can really win, because in the end people only want the subtitles, even when they tell you how much they support you and whatever.
I hope what I wrote down makes some sense, but what I just wanted to say by all that is, that most of all, you're not hurting the Gabriel guy, but you're hurting your users who have nothing to do with this conflict (mostly - if their not the ones who have been stealing) - you have no idea how many people are using your english subtitles to translate series into many many many different languages and how many people are watching theirs (and in that matter even yours) subtitles... I know you don't think that there is any other way how to get the message across to Gabriel, but this is not it - he won't get it anyway, because based on what I have already read, he is really an asshole. You have to find another way to fight him. Let your users protect you and for example ignore his site or spam under the subtitles that were stolen or whatever, but PLEASE do not stop making your great english subtitles...

And of course, thanks for your work, I do use your english subs with some shows that I'm watching (mostly Bones beacause of all the bones and stuff talk :D )

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Hi people!!

I´m from Spain [so... sorry for my english], I have get english subtitles here, I´ve posted them on subtitulos.es telling where I´ve found them and then I´ve begin translating [doing my best... :)]. I wanna thank a lot both sites´s people for their work.

And here we go: WTF people!! I think both of you are overeacting. Come on, I wanna believe that the action of subtitle things it´s about dealing culture and... anything else!! I´m sure most of the people of both sites are awesome and that just want dealing culture, probono, without meaningless credits... what for? somebody has credit the scriptwriters of the tv series?!?!?!?! Come on people, let´s face it, what we do it´s ilegal!! It´s totally silly take a knife and begin a war becouse you wannna see your name on an ilegal thing!! Where´s the non-profit thing? Where´s the cultural motivation?

People around you just want to work and enjoy tv series. You´re amazing. Both sites. Don´t stop being it. Peace please.

We are the woooorld... we are the children people-that-need-subtitleeeees...

Big hug!!

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Do I have to post what I said already several times every 10 posts so that such comments would not appear any more? Why do all of you focus on the credit thing? Learn to read what's all about.

"You stop releasing subs, they continue." - they don't continue. Not with all the subs. Maybe with 10%.

ummm... if i read and understand the first post correctly then the problems is:
  • stealing and removing credits from our subtitles, rudely copy pasting our translations to their site --> credit
  • their admin who never answered any of our questions and requests, even more, he banned us from their site and forum when asking for the users that removed the credits to be warned. --> ignored
  • They must understand they depend on us and that without our subtitles. --> proving they depend on addic7ed

credit -> about the credit, lot of people already say a lot 'bout that and me too. so i'll skip it.
ignored -> as i say before. maybe their admin ignore you. but their user already know 'bout the problem and i believe they do their thinking too. and you supporters here didn't ignore you. why you care about him alone
dependency -> right now, even if it's slower, they're already continuing their work based on other subber translation. and it won't be long when good English subbers like addic7ed appear, and subtitulos will use their sub as the base then. see, you stop, they continue

but enough about this. looks like you've got your final decision. you decide to stop. so just put the big announcement that addic7ed subber has stop working. no matter what your supporter said, it's the final. then close this thread/forum. don't leave people keep hanging their hope without certainty. or else this problem will never be settled.

thank you for all addic7ed hardwork this time. i really appreciate that.
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Hi there!

I was shocked to see the message on the front page of Addic7ed suspending the subtitles release for the moment in protest of the errant users of subtitulos.es. Now I can't enjoy my weekly dose of Fringe without your high quality subs, and have withdrawal symptoms akin to a drug user, hehe. In fact I often use the HI sub even though I'm not HI, cos I'm a Fringe fanatic and do not want to miss any little sound in the drama that your dedicated subbers catch and write it in the sub.

Nevertheless, I can never blame Addic7ed and your team of highly dedicated/accurate subbers for whatever actions u take to protect your rights. All the sub users who download Addic7ed subs owe a gratitude to the Addic7ed team.

I can only hope that the sub releases will resume asap, and more importantly, that the suspension will achieve the effect that Addic7ed intends.

Addic7ed ftw!

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Sorry for my english but I'm too tired to concentrate on grammar and spelling today...

I'm also gonna try to make this quick:

First of all I'm NOT WORKING for this website at all... and I've only registered here to post this message !
In fact, I was the leader of Yata Team until Heroes end.
Those kind of problems make me crazy!!!

When I began to be a Tv addicted, I discovered Honeybunny via Forom.com. Subs were already quick and good !!!
Then I began translating for them and was really saved by HB transcripts (just like Raceman's ones) ... People don't even realise subs can't be done without her ?!...
After a long and really good work on forom, we were forced to stop translating heroes because of french tv (awful) ****... I started to work for u-sub then.
That's where I discoverd how people can wait on working team's forum during 4h long just to still each workers part and just combine them in order to upload them on their own website with theit own credits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SWEAR !
After arguyng, trying to find a gentle or hard way to make people realize how bad this kind of behavior is, we were simply forced to make all very private and secret with a lot of password and so ...
How arrogant is that ?

I just want you to remind that people are just taking time to make you happy !!! For free !! blink.gif ... (ask my hubby and my 3 kids to get it also please ... )

Personally, I don't need subs, I only ENJOY having english one's to be sure not to miss a joke ...

That said, I'm gonna enjoy GA 709 and its spin off now !

10000000% for good people !!! Good luck !!

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addic7ed suffers here more, much more than subtitulos.es does. From what i've seen, subtitulos.es will never give in, thus honey bunny- you can never win this fight.

Its the internet, the way it has been and the way its gonna be. Theres not much you can do, to get what you want in the way you wish.

If the world governments can't put a stop to copy theft, then you won't be able either. This is a pointless war you wage here ;P

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