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Subtitle: Plain Text And Audio File. Now What?


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Hi guys, I've been searching on here for a few days [and to no avail :mellow:], trying
to find a post that relates to a project I’m working on, (if there is one can
someone point me in the right direction pls??).


Anyhow, I’m working on a project for my Church where we want to display
subtitles with a projector, for previously recorded sermons. [i.e. we want to
play these sermons over the PA system while displaying the subtitles with a

We have the transcripts typed […several hundred], and saved to a plain text
file. We also have the audio which can be exported in various formats, mp3,
m4a, wav, etc.


Is there any software which will allow me to import our text and then
quickly sync with the audio?

We already have software that will play the subtitles…we just need the time
coded marker files.

Please, help!

Many thanks in advance!


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If you have the sermon as a WAV file, you can use VSS (Visual Sub Sync) to create the subtitle file in sync with the audio. But then you'd need a fake video file that would have the audio of the sermon, to be able to play the subs on a screen or anywhere.



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Thanks HB! I'll check out VSS...


I'm guessing there are no tools to automate the syncing process? I think we have the way to play the subs...I just need the time code files.

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You are right, CTV589: there is not a tool that performs what you are trying.
You may, however, read It could give you a base to be used with VSS.

The chickens are revolting!

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Alice, thanks for the link. I have downloaded the app and I'll be testing.


On another note...what's the openion on CPC's MacCaption software? I see they have a new Automatic time stamp (ATS) feature, just wondering if anyone has tried this out?


Thanks again!

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