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If this really boils down to allowing someone to save face and live happily ever after, and sharing AND giving credit to those who deserve it, I certainly hope people are gracious enough to do just that. Get all your shovels out and start digging a hole for that hatchet..

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No, I never removed any acreditations. In fact, 99.99% (magic number today, i guess) of people never did.
[..] You only have to use subtitulos.es searcher to see the are houndreds of credited subtitles of addic7ed or search "honeybunny" to see tons of messages saying "Thanks to honeybunny". The main amount of people respects you a lot, that means nothing to you

trololo, are you sure you are talking about the last weeks?
because about the messages you mention, their admin even published a announcement saying:

"From now on, writing the subtitle precedence in the comments is forbidden",
and you know what are the only ones he erased? Yep, that's right, Addic7ed credits.

Another thing, quick math, 20.000 subs (that is what your website claim to be) * 99.99% = 20 sub
and only with the ones in the last 3 days you pass those 20 subs.

In fact, i have seen tons of trolls in subtitles.es last month and all we know who they where from. I didn't really care, but it was not the best attitude to solve things.

I really do hope you don't think it's us because i saw those insulting comments all where saying bad things about people from Spain.
And guess what, I'm from Spain (a admin as you can see), 3 more of the Team are from Spain and we will never allow such thing to happen.

Stop being so inmature you both

You can view in their forum, even in a "mediavida" forum thread, that alex has been trying to talk with the other admin,
you know the only thing he says: "I didn't do anything wrong, and if some of my users did, I'm not responsible"

But guess what, a admin IT IS responsible for what his users do, and if the web you based your work (us),
ask you to maintain a minimum ethical rules and moderate your users, the less you can do is reply.

It's really a shame all of this. But I hope their own users, the ones who respect the common basic ethical rules,
tell to his admin very clear to take measures and put the means to stop this despiciable acts.

PS: When you say he can't put moderators, that's just simply a lie.
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I explained the donation widget last month.

I said we'll use a widget of 500$ every month. It was filled fast so we decided instead of 500$/month to raise it to 2500$ for 2 month. I figured out 3000$ would be enough to hire a coder to fix and bring improvements to the website (unless you know someone that works for free).
I'm sorry i tried to rush things so you can have new features and stability (remember the downtime in the last period?).

You're right, we're greedy bitches. That's why we're full of ads like tvsubtitles.
I understand your point of view, you never donated, you never uploaded, you never translated.

Again, you forget we do this for free and in our free time. We don't owe you anything and you don't have the right to demand anything.
We never forced users to give us money. We never asked money for subtitles or downloads.

So, what seems to be the problem? Do you want RSS notification when subs are uploaded? Mail notification? Do you want a desktop application? Let me do my job and read more before trying to accuse any of us.

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Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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@ trololo: why is the use of moderators impossible? Subtitulos.es is using the same script Addic7ed is (wikisubtitles). We have moderators and they do their job. Trust me, it's possible.

I have no clue about that. Like I said, I have no relatioship with any of your sites. But if Gabriel always said he can't make moderators and Nomvember 29 is going to open a site with moderators, I guess there is a good reason for not having moderation until the change of site.

Anyway, I hope you (both) have read the rest of my message too and reconsider your positions. You are in the wild Internet, you have to assume some risks. We, spanish, american and other countries' users of both sites have no fault of all of this. It's unfair to everyone.
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I've registered only to post and clear some points. As you can guess English isn't my native language so I apologise in advance for the mistakes.

I don't really know how to explain how "stupid" this is. The only thing I'd like to point is that the program both webs are using was developed by wikisubtitles (spanish author by the way) who after beeing in trouble because of the copyright of subititles had to shut down his own web. What would you think if he asked any credit in EVERY SUBTITLE because of his program?

I think that to be honest we should thank in every episode the person who did the program, the one who has ripped the chapter, the one who has note down the dialogues, the one who has sync them, and so on..., but guys, this is internet!

Anyway, I'll find the same subtitles maybe not today, but tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and you both, addic7ed and subtitulos will have lost one user. I don't know how old are you (Gabriel and Alex) but your acting as children.

Once again, sorry for my English and thanks for read this gibberish.

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I've registered only to post and clear some points. As you can guess English isn't my native language so I apologise in advance for the mistakes.

I don't really know how to explain how "stupid" this is. The only thing I'd like to point is that the program both webs are using was developed by wikisubtitles (spanish author by the way) who after beeing in trouble because of the copyright of subititles had to shut down his own web. What would you think if he asked any credit in EVERY SUBTITLE because of his program?

I think that to be honest we should thank in every episode the person who did the program, the one who has ripped the chapter, the one who has note down the dialogues, the one who has sync them, and so on..., but guys, this is internet!

Anyway, I'll find the same subtitles maybe not today, but tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and you both, addic7ed and subtitulos will have lost one user. I don't know how old are you (Gabriel and Alex) but your acting as children.

Once again, sorry for my English and thanks for read this gibberish.

i'm 23. I appreciate your honest opinion.

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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He replied to the forum... but he closed the thread so i couldn't reply back. I wouldn't call that an actual reply.
He didn't answer my emails before this whole thing, emails where i tried telling him about his users he should moderate.
If i close the thread now, how would you feel? Also, how would you feel if you came here to tell me honeybunny is stealing your subtitles, and my response would be to ban you?

Here's the proof: http://dl.dropbox.co...87/addic7ed.rar
And it's not the only case. There's no more proof i can show to make things clear :-).

It was not correct to ban honneybunny and sure it was not nice to reply and then close the thread but before closing he wrote that he WILL reply to your mails when they don't contain insults. Maybe he just don't want to discuss the topic in public?

I never doubted that the problem of stolen subtitles existed I just said that maybe it would be better to discuss without so much emotions about it (as difficult as this may be it could bring both sides faster to an agreement).

I have just searched the internet for subs for Fringe and Grey's Anatomy....nothing usuable and some fake subs :( Tomorrow I wanted to see Smallville....maybe I have to see the episodes without any subs and hope to understand as much as possible. I am very sorry for the people who does not even have the possibility to do that because they don't speak english at all or they are hard of hearing or deaf.....but I also understand addic7ed so we all have to make a sacrifice...but for how long?
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[b]So, what seems to be the problem? Do you want RSS  notification when subs are uploaded? Mail notification? Do you want a  desktop application? Let me do my job and read more before trying to  accuse any of us. [/b] 			             						

What i want i said, is either working new google universal cc system, or a real wikipedia-like system, a bit like u tried with ur live sub-editing feature, i tught that was cool, that was the future, not goin' on a strike without revendications other than "giv us credits" ... seriously who in hell cares ... i just dont get it, what i get is the other (banking) sense of the word "credit" ... or the religious sense (credo = "i believe") ... so yea i think you are a bunch of greedy bitches urselves addic7ed to an illusion of ... reputation, in need of some sort of "a title" ... u dont really want to provide the best service, u want to be the only ones doin so, so u go to war with another site, until only 1 remains... pathetic.

Btw i didnt accused anyone of anything, i'm just facing a few facts & trying to understand what it's all about. I mean if the subtitles were not free, if u were sellin the sheet out of it, then i'd totally understand, it would b logic & make sense that u'd b pissed at someone ripping the brand of ur product & "sellin" it as its own (which in the real world rarely happen tho...) ... so yea, just know u made a whole freakin bunch of people sad, confused & deprivated for .... no reason at all.

I miself dedicate a lot of time to serve the human community, & if someone uses something i gave him (an item, an idea, an understanding) without saying to everyone that " I GAVE IT TO HIM", well i won't freak out & stop alltogether my actions of solidarity & enlightenment, this just isnt rational behavior, but i know from long & short that humans are quite f'd up so it's no big deal. Enjoy ur psychodrama, just next time plz try & not involve everyone in it, that's how world wars started.

ps : i don't know where they from or what is the moderation superscore of this site, but i found here today already subs for some shows i needed like : Fringe, Shit my dad says, misfits & the big bang theory (plz delete if u don't allow external links: TVsubs.net
it took me 2mn to google this site i never used b4. Have a good rest striking :P

ps 2 : also it's not the spanish people u should care about offending or not, but the chinese :P why ? too many comments from ur "partisans" that "now subtitulo will hav to use chinese subs of poor quality" etc... like the quality on addic7ed is flawless ... lol.
Check the comment on this sub's description : http://www.podnapisi.net/en/bones-2005-subtitles-p982726

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Who are the thieves?
Or, your words come out faster than your thoughts?

nope, dear stargate fan. addic7ed is european based, their servers are in usa, and both countries have laws that states that subtitles, and translation of those, are property of someone else, not addic7ed. not fair, but laws never really are.
so, if you want to debate morality of stealing credits from subs made from transcripts that are property of third party, go ahead. untill laws change, we all involved in subbing are thieves, at least in judge's eyes :)
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Again, if someone give you something EVERYDAY and most of that something you require are from THAT someone, will you thank him?

I don't see anywhere that Addicted team say they want to be the only one site doing sub. In fact they just want proper response from other admin. That's it.

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Hav u never used a transcript from a well-known chinese site to make an addic7ed sub or translation & never mentioned the source in it ? Yet u don't see chinese shuttin down their sub factories for petty hurted-pride motives.

afaik, chinese aren't volounteers, they do not sub shows for fun and community, they do that so their....fuck english,what is the right word...sellers of illegally downloaded shows...can sell 'em to non-english speaking chinese. so hurt pride is not an issue for 'em.
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@crvenooki you seem pretty smart... but not smart enough. I am European and the website is hosted in Europe, not US.

@Uberlime: TVsubs has the same database as TVSubtitles.net (it's the same website if you look closely. having 2 websites brings more money. talking about greed).
Podnapisi is not loading for me at the moment ;-(

And btw, we're not looking for monopol.. since no competition = no fun. Subtitulos isn't even a competitor. They serve subtitles in Spanish, we serve subtitles in English.

@Feno Bonsai lol! Good one!

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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Again, if someone give you something EVERYDAY and most of that something you require are from THAT someone, will you thank him?

I don't see anywhere that Addicted team say they want to be the only one site doing sub. In fact they just want proper response from other admin. That's it.

If someone gave me that something everyday, i wouldnt thank him, i'd feel humiliated & would try to learn to provide for myself.

& all this , maybe u can't see it kiddo, is nothin but a power play. Competition, at its worst. I saw also somewhere someone saying that Addic7ed sort of "got monopolistic", so they are what they dont want to b ?
In fact u find that normal that our daily subs r held hostage under the fingers of that " other admin" , i mean if they mad @ him, why giv him the power of holding back subs for the whole addic7ed users, even in a strategic point of view it's complete moronicnessitude. If i was this other admin , i'd laugh my ass off , really, & u should know latinos r easy laughing people :P

not to judge any1 but i know a dumb move when i see one, believe me.

@ alex28 : lol u jinxed podnapisi ! fyi the comment on this Bones last ep was : "while Addic7ed is on strike..-here comes some chinese goodies!" lol

@cervnooki : i highly doubt that there is a market for the last aired usa episodes in china lol, again a racist pov , thinking they cant hav community fansubs & are only maffia counterfeiterz lol. ah, stereotypes.

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I'm of latin origin too :-)

Also as i said above: "And btw, we're not looking for monopol.. since no competition = no fun. Subtitulos isn't even a competitor. They serve subtitles in Spanish, we serve subtitles in English."

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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I totally understand what you are doing and I can´t agree more. They do not give the credits to the websites they took the subs from. And I also think that the administrator, Gabriel, is a person that you can´t talk to, he never answer and when there is a problem, he´s always right. And if you don´t think the same as him, you will probably end being banned from his web. I used to download the subs from there, but not anymore, and I´m spanish, but I don´t like how they manage things over there.
Thanks for your work, stopping the subtitles it´s not good for us (the users), but I think that this is the best way to let them know that without addic7ed, they can´t do anything. Let´s hope Gabriel will finally open his eyes...

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I'm of latin origin too :-)

Also as i said above: "And btw, we're not looking for monopol.. since no competition = no fun. Subtitulos isn't even a competitor. They serve subtitles in Spanish, we serve subtitles in English."

It seems to me that a big part of the "problem" is between the spanish "team" of addic7ed and subtitulos.
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It seems to me that a big part of the "problem" is between the spanish "team" of addic7ed and subtitulos.

Not really. Thing is... some people left subtitulos.es because they asked Gabriel to moderate their translations (some users were translating bad.. very bad and were ruining files) and *as far as i understood, i may be wrong tho* he did nothing.
They looked for an alternative and they came on Addic7ed. What happened between them is of little concern to me.

My problem with subtitulos was caused by people removing credits from the English files they got from us. That's what started the whole thing.
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Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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First of all, I'm Spanish. I understand english but i don't write it a lot, so sorry if I make mistakes.

I have tranlate in subtitulos.es tons of times in my favorite shows. I'm not a friend of the administrator, I don't have any economic interest or any real conection to the website. I only do it because i want, i can and i have several friends who can't understand shows without subtitles (english level in Spain is middle-low).

No, I never removed any acreditations. In fact, 99.99% (magic number today, i guess) of people never did. But, you know, in sites with douzens of people there always are several people spoilig it all, maybe because they ignored, maybe because the are idiots. Anyway, this is so unfair to the rest of us. We don't want any credits, we respect your work and the only thing we want is help spanish and latinamerican people. You only have to use subtitulos.es searcher to see the are houndreds of credited subtitles of addic7ed or search "honeybunny" to see tons of messages saying "Thanks to honeybunny". The main amount of people respects you a lot, that means nothing to you?

In fact, i have seen tons of trolls in subtitles.es last month and all we know who they where from. I didn't really care, but it was not the best attitude to solve things.

I don't see how this strike can help. I mean, I can see the point: They took your credits, you make big publicity today by crapping us. Subtitulos.es is located in a site that imposibilite the use of moderators. Now we kwon that a new subtitulos.es site with moderation posibilities is been made since weeks ago. It makes time. All of us, the ones that respect your work, don't want this situation at all and we are going to do all that we can for stopping it.

I hope this some people in subtitulos.es reconsider deleting your credits, and I hope addic7ed reconsider this absurd strike. Stop being so inmature you both, start thinking in people who really needs subtitles and stop thinking in your ego. This is about sharing and enjoying shows, not about who owns what.

People still seem to think this is a pissing match when it's not. The complaint isn't about the subs that had credits removed, the complaint is about the sole moderator of the other site not doing his due diligence to acknowledge the situation and correct it. Alex, HB and the rest of the Addic7ed team are proving a point by doing this strike, because as anyone can plainly see, without them doing the majority of the work, the other site has nothing.

People keep saying oh there will be other sites, or they will get it from other sources. Well crap in = crap out which is what you will get and what they will turn out if they use those subs. The fact remains that the Addic7ed crew puts out the highest quality subs and in the quickest time. I stand behind them 100% even if it means going without subs for a couple days. I'll wait and watch my shows when they feel it's time to start turning them out again, or I'll watch without the subs. Either way I still agree with them.
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Seriously, guys - this is so kindergarten stuff!

So, you didn't expect in the first place, that your work would spread across Internet, and some not-so-appreciative guys will do with it what they want?
Come on, think about software publishers! They loosing money every second.
You're just loosing some fame.

If you're a content-based site, you bound to get a bunch of copycats. You have just one advantage - you have this content on your pages first!
So, sooner or later, every one interested in the content, will figure out where's it coming from.
You'll get your fame.

You're doing this voluntarily, yeah, and so on,- but you should've thought of this possibility in the first place, really.

I'm sitting here, right now, doing transcript for my favorite "Burn Notice", to share it - but it's not really my field.

OK, how about this: I've heard you're searching for a programmer to rebuild your site. And god knows, it should be rebuilt. And I'm using your subs for many shows that I watch, cause I'm not from USA and I can only watch them by downloading.

So, I promise that I'll do for you a new site, free of charge, in exchange of your stopping this noncense and continue to do what you're doing best.

I have two conditions, though. I'll make the site with perl, not php thing; and I can do it sometime in January'11, nor earlier.

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